Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Camp Beaver

Kadon showing off his squirt gun ring he got at the family store.
Kyrie posing with her cousins.

Kadon, #126, and Kyrie, #166, playing in the river. Too bad Piper's number won't end in a 6
Kyrie digging in the dirt. She loved collecting rocks. Every night we came home with 2 or 3.

River time.


Danny's Mom said...


They look so big! It has only been a few months and yet now you have a 7 year-old. Make sure you send/email me an anouncement. I'd love to see your new addition.
Miss ya, Rachel

Sharee Gariety said...

Wow! Kyrie looks so much older with her hair getting long!

Debbie said...

Wait... have you had your baby already? I haven't heard anything yet! And is Piper the baby's name? I LOVE that name! Super cute pick! :)